Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What It Takes to be in Healthy Living


What does it take to be in healthy living?

Surviving a wasp attack. That's wuht.

It was so freakin' hilarious! I never seen nor heard my teacher scream that loud, nor did I expected her to either. She's so... mature. Like, the type of teacher you'd can befriend with, and knows the difference between a student and a student-friend. She's the type of teacher that basically everyone likes.

So when you hear her scream, you did not expect it at all.

At first, I was looking around, wondering what's going on, while my other female classmates where screaming and backing away to the door. The guys, just like me, were looking around.

Until Mr. Wasp got out of hiding, and floated on top of our heads.

You have no idea how funny it was.

But good things have to end early, and someone killed poor Mr. Wasp and class ended.

Though, you gotta admit, it was pretty damn funny.


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