Friday, June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Losing stuff

Okay ever had those times where you place something in a safe place and forgot the said safe place? Yeah, happened to me this week, along with the many other days I forgot.

So, I had this DSi mom bought me 3 years ago, and it was the greatest game consul I ever had (considering that I'm easily bored with lots of free time and all). A few days ago, I left it on my nightstand, which is also completely filled with other stuff. And just yesturday, mom and I were cleaning the whole apartment up before dad gets home at 4. So, I took the living room and kitchen, while mom took care of the rooms. Guess what?

My DSi disappeared.

So now, I'm completely bashing my room just to find it because I realllly want to complete my pokemon adventures. D: Wish me luck on finding it...


Saturday, June 16, 2012


TOTALLY EXTREMELY EXTREME! Lol sorry :P been playing some MMORPGs for the whole day. My favorite line from my fello friend, "KILL THAT STUPID MONKEY KING SO I CAN HAVE HIS TAIL!!" I couldn't stop laughing. XD

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Computer

Ugh! Great. This is wonderful! I just managed to fix my dads computer(it can now get on the Internet without any trouble) but now my laptop has Internet troubles. I wonder what should I do now? I'm so confused. I hope I don't delete anything importation on accident...

-P r I m a

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Seats Taken [ranting timeee~]

Okay, don't you hate it when you have to get up from your seat and then it's taken by somebody else? Like say you're in a movie theatre and there's this one really good spot, so you asked your friend(s) to save you that spot because you went to get some food/drink or go to the bathroom. Once you come back from whatever you're doing, your spot is taken, either by your friend(which is completely fine) or a complete stranger you never met before.

Yeah, happened to me today, except in my moms work place. She works at a second-class nail salon, so there's this VIP lounge where most of the workers chill out in. Usually, I'm the one in the room(television, sound proof; it's like my room, only with out the bed and my clothes scattered over the place), but apparently the costumers seem to enjoy seein me being kicked out so they can take my spot. Pisses me off when they speak behind my back, commenting about my clothes. Honestly, what a pain. That's pretty much it for now. Rant ya' later. Chao.

--P R I M A


This morning dad told me that his Internet keeps shutting down. Mom though it was a virus, and she was right. So now because of this stupid virus, I had to spend about an hour or so to try and fix it.

T R I E D.

And failed.

I don't know these things. Atleast my laptop isn't screwed up... Yet. :D

So yeah, here I am on my iPod(that has Internet; God I'm spoiled) tellin you guys about my morning.

Moral of the story; try not getting a virus in your Internet. Trust me, don't waste the however-many hours I wasted on dad's laptop. Bleh, that's pretty much it. Chao.

--P R I M A

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Father [letter rant]

Dear dad,

I wish you would stop saying I'm a bad child. Compared to others, you don't see me smoking or drinking, much less have a boyfriend. Honestly, who cares if I'm on the Internet most of the time? I have no friends to hang out with; and even if I did, I wouldn't beable to leave because I don't have the key to the house. I hardly walk past the door throughout the year, only if I needed to, I would return home safe and sound. So, tell me why you tell lies, threaten me to kick me out, and say the most horriblest things in my face? It's not like I wished to be your daughter, too. Atleast I know it's the beer that makes you talk. Thank God and whoever out there that I didn't live with you when I was a child. I'm not being the best straight A+ girl, or the kind that would spend all of her time with the family, but you're not the greatest father ever. Just know that the next birthday I have, I expect nothing from you.

-- your daughter, Prima.

(Sorry guys if it made you feel sad about me. I'm okay with mom anyways. Had to write this, just to feel alittle better. You may expect me writing something like this on most nights. That's when dad comes home and drinks alcohol the most.)

Poker Face by Gumi [Cover]

Honestly, I was bored out my wits when singing the song =w= It's pretty fun singing Vocaloid songs, maybe I should use my UTAU? Maybe :P Well, here's me singing Poker Face by Gumi (NOT Lady Gaga):

Poker Face by Gumi [Cover]

RantRantRant INTRO!

Yo! First... blog? Honestly, I'm never up-to-date. I'm always busy with FB. And Farmville. Also pissing people off when I sent a Farmville invite. :D So fun.

Anyways, w00t~! The first thing I wanna talk about, is how bored I am. And I'm so not excited for the evening once dad comes home. Dad comes home around 4pm and does whatever he wants, not bothering to spare a glance at me. When Mom comes home, he rants. About me. Being lazy.


DUDE, IT'S SUMMER. I'm supposed to be lazy.

Moving on from that... I really need to update my stories on Especially Incubus Love! (that one has been on my mind for the whole week; I don't know what to put in the next chapter.) Gahhhhh, guess I'll have to start from somewhere...

Maa, maa, I guess that's it... Oh, I wonder what song should I cover? I don't have a good voice, but I can sing atleast. Maybe I should sing Apologize? Or maybe What Hurts The Most? All well, guess I'll try both. That's all I can rant for today.

