Saturday, June 9, 2012

Father [letter rant]

Dear dad,

I wish you would stop saying I'm a bad child. Compared to others, you don't see me smoking or drinking, much less have a boyfriend. Honestly, who cares if I'm on the Internet most of the time? I have no friends to hang out with; and even if I did, I wouldn't beable to leave because I don't have the key to the house. I hardly walk past the door throughout the year, only if I needed to, I would return home safe and sound. So, tell me why you tell lies, threaten me to kick me out, and say the most horriblest things in my face? It's not like I wished to be your daughter, too. Atleast I know it's the beer that makes you talk. Thank God and whoever out there that I didn't live with you when I was a child. I'm not being the best straight A+ girl, or the kind that would spend all of her time with the family, but you're not the greatest father ever. Just know that the next birthday I have, I expect nothing from you.

-- your daughter, Prima.

(Sorry guys if it made you feel sad about me. I'm okay with mom anyways. Had to write this, just to feel alittle better. You may expect me writing something like this on most nights. That's when dad comes home and drinks alcohol the most.)


  1. I know how you feel.. :/ Hopefully things get better. I'm always here for you, you'll make it through this!!
