Thursday, November 15, 2012

ABC's What Would You Do?

I. Love watching these.


And I just go on full-blown rants. Like that one-hour long rants.

So today, I was watching ABC's What Would You Do? Where a women was breastfeeding her baby in a local café, where this manager was totally against it, and said that she has 'no class'.

Look. Breastfeeding is awkward, I know. I've seen before. But it's not uncommon nor is it illegal.

We have people, mooching others off, and even having public sex. But we don't think it's a big deal. Breastfeeding a baby is.

What sort of logic is that?!

In our culture, we, the Americans, totally are against nudity. But we're so up for it when it comes to violence or sex. Or drugs.

But breastfeeding is a no-no.

I don't have anything against it. It's normal, albeit not something you see everyday of your life, but it's still normal. Moving on, the manager of the café, tells her to leave, but she doesn't want to. And there were other people other, too. One couple had said, now stay with me here, that they think that the manager is right.

I kinda agree, that it's awkward and makes people uncomfortable. But it's not like you're gonna see it everyday.

At least the women are with the breastfeeding lady. One of them even said that it was legal, and that the manager had no right to say that she has to go somewhere else just because of feeding her baby.

We alllll breastfeeded when we a little kid. It was essential and normal for our mothers to do that. When we were babies, we couldn't drink milk from the bottle, nor can we drink the milk from the store. So we feed upon our mother's breasts. It's the truth. Either you like it or not, it's a fact that at some point when we were babies, we had to breastfeed.

It's embarrassing, but I'll be lying if I wasn't breastfeeded when I was little.

So, here's what I'm trying to get across.

Although it's awkward and makes you uncomfortable, breastfeeding is normal.

Sheesh, people. But it can't be helped. Our generation is screwed up from our judgments about people. Just because of one person's action is out of place or even a little awkward, you don't know their past, or the reason why they act like that. Did you know that she could've been raped and decided to keep the baby? Or that maybe she was waiting for the father? Or maybe that she's just tired and sore and waiting for the bus by waiting in the café?

STOP BEING NARROW MINDED PEOPLE. JUST. STOP. And, maybe for once, start using that puddle of poo in your head that people call a brain. It could save your life and make you a better person.

----Steaming Purima

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