Monday, March 4, 2013

It is Just a Coincidence or Luck?

My day has been pretty normal.

Aside from the fact my computer totally lost the side keys. I was so screwed. I accidentally dropped it when I walked down that stairs of my apartment, but noooooo

My hand had to have this stupid spazz moment and decided to drop the freakin' laptop. Which made it loose the tab key, caps lock, space bar, shift, and horrifically, the delete key.

I gave it to the computer wizs and took it in and said they'll fix it up by 2. The price? $133.

I barely had $20 and they expect me to be this rich gal that will flaunt her money everywhere.

I told them I'll return by then cause I had classes. Atleast most of the classes don't need the laptop. Albeit, I really needed to turn in my essay for Forensics.

When I thought this day was going bad to worse, my luck changes.

I was in the library, looking for a book since there's no laptop to play games on, I found this book.

Called 'The Only Ones' by Aaron Starmer. I thought it was pretty creepy, and I pulled it out to read the back. But you know how those books would have those random comments and quotes from people you don't even know, and it's applied on the back? Yeah, the book had one of those. So, rolling my eyes, I opened the book to read the description on the flap, and guess what I found?


Freakin. 15. Dollars.

My eyes weren't rolling anymore.

I looked around to see if this is some kind of sick joke or a random game show my school decided to host and choose me, but nothing was out of the ordinary. No laughing jocks. No giggling high school girls. No random host guy that always pops out of no where. I shrugged.

I went up the librarian and told her that there was money in the book and I was really suspicious of it. She took it with a weird smile, and scanned it.

Turns out, no one ever checked out this book. So, by default, I get the money.

I took it and stuffed the money away in my bag and I stared at the book, for a really, really, long time. I kinda thought that the book was calling out to me or something. Because no one checked it out, it must've gotten lonely. It was on the shelf of popular books, like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. It probably felt pretty awkward and out of place. Ironically, that was what I kinda felt, too, sometimes. Not a lot, but it's there. Every time I walk in this school, I try to look for a place to fit in. And when I find myself some space, nothing seems to be right. In the wrong place, in the wrong time, on the wrong self? Maybe I just needed someone to read me, to understand, and maybe give me a bit of love.

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