Monday, January 21, 2013

Private Matters

I don't really know what to put here lol

I don't normally type up funky things during the weekend because I got nothing interesting going on, usually during winter. Which kinda explains my love-hate for my school. I like to learn, especially from the many classes I take in school.


I get tired really easy, although I don't show it. It's probably because I stay up late during nighttime, and sleep during the daytime. I'm like a nocturnal creature, but in truth, I'm really not.

And I know, I need to be assertive. I bet half of my college money that my Human Behavior teacher would cut me during my monologue and straight up say, "No, you gotta sleep at night. Stop staying up. You're not completing your needs."

My stomach has needs, and so does my body. But I reckon you can't understand that either, considering how much you've been interrupting me. I really hate it when he does that. It's like...

"Hey, how are you--"

"I'm sorry, but go take a seat."

"B-but I was just--"

"Take a seat."


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Even during a rush hour during lunch, regular teacher's wouldn't do this! I like it when a teacher DOESN'T interrupt me! For once, I would love it, if I could talk to you in one complete sentence, BEFORE you say your input of the conversation.

I know you're smart, you're older, you're like this therapist that I never really needed. But please, for the love of all conversations I've had in my life,




I will sulk, and the sulking will grow if you don't do anything about it, and then I will blow up. I will tell you all your faults. I will point out the things that piss me off. I will, literally, point out any known fact in this brain of mine, that you seriously had issues and you're an extrovert, and you won't shut up.


I don't care if you're a teacher, or someone older. A person's a person, no matter how small, old, young, or big. How would you like it if I interrupted you? Let's see if you can try to strike back, without using the excuse of being older and being a teacher.

Just because you have a higher power, doesn't mean I don't have allies.


Phew. Alright. Well, that was kind of a stupid rant. But he really pisses me off sometimes!

Ugh, imma go eat...

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