Monday, January 14, 2013

I Can't Be Depressed, I'm Just Serious!

Alot of my friends (from... Wonderland. I swear, that stupid Dodo bird is stalking me again, Hatter stole my money, and the White Rabbit leaves mud with his bunny prints all over my house) often finds me... er... angry.

I don't get angry, atleast not often.

Which is surprising because I'm an emotional (very ;w;) cry baby (I cried alot in elementary. Especially in sports ;v;).

But I do get annoyed! And maybe sometimes serious.

Well, I'm hardly ever serious. That's why if you ever see me serious, it's probably not true. On the out, I have this stupid bored/annoyed poker face, but truely I'm probably fantasizing about Tsuna-kun wearing a maid outfit.



Here you go!

My reaction was just like Mukuro (the guy with the purple/blue hair).

Because you know Tsuna is too moe~ moe~

And it's pronounced as MO-EH. NOT MOE. IT'S WEIRD. YOU DON'T CALL SOMEONE CUTE MOEEE. It's like calling someone anorexic celery! It just doesn't adsdfhsldkj fit! D<



^I guess I was kind mad. But as in crazy, insane, and the kind you all love.

Oh, there are three types of mentalness.

---Sanity (people who just... normal. And making your hair bright green doesn't count)
---Mentanity (I made it up btw and they're people who are, literally, mentally ill)
---Insanity (Awesome people AKA ME. >D)

And so, now that that's cleared up, I'm an insane person. No wait. I'm an awesome insane person.

Oh, right. 


What were we-- RIGHT! Me being angry! Well, short-story, I don't get angry often (only twice in my whole life ;w;) and when I do, people kinda run away from me ;3; I'm all like 

"Bodies droppin' to the flo', bodies droppin' to the flo'."

With this dark entity surrounding me. (I call him Midnight o3o)

I mentioned I got angry twice, which was back in 6th grade, and the more recent one, in 9th grade.

In 6th grade, I got mad at these girls talking behind my back (as in, they were really behind my back). This girl named Nicole bitch was talking about how I was cursing in the lunch room (I did, but I didn't really care), and that my friend was a whore(*stabstabstabstab*).

She still has her pretty face though.


I promise! I didn't do anything to her! ^^; I can be evil, but karma did most of the work =w=.

In 9th grade, I was angry over my sketch book. qwq

I get verrrrrryyyy attached to my sketchbooks. They literally hold all my hearts, my crushes, my imagination. They are the gate to my insanity.

And I lost it in choir.

I. When I realized I couldn't find my sketch book, midnight came out and my friends were looking at me with this weird look.

Luckily it was the last class of my day, so I went looking for it. I asked friends, the students, even my teacher. 

And I asked them.

"Oh I don't know. Go ask somebody else." You know black girls look at you, with that disgusted look on their face and that's literally saying 'whos dis bitch lookin' at?' and you have this small urge to smack the living crap out of them until they cry and weep?


Oh God, my dad really did influenced me. That, and my bad experiences with... er... one-colored people. ;v;

So I asked them, they gave me this stupid look, and walked away moving their heads side-to-side like peacocks. I know it was stupid of me to quickly assume they were the bad guys, but I really didn't like them. My friend, Cici, knew what was wrong with me and dragged me away before I really make someone cry and weep... ovo

We went back to the choir room and searched every nick and cranny until I found my sketch book on top of a shelf. I vaguely remembered putting it there and Midnight instantly vanish. You could literally feel the whole room light up, even Cici was face palming in the back.

As I was about to exit the school, I saw those girls again, and they gave me 'the look'.

"You found yo' book?" I was normal, I was happy, I had my sketch book and every things okay. I gave them a forced smile ad nodded.

"Yeah, it was on the shelf."

"Be careful, you don' know if someone'll steal it." And they walked off. True, I felt bad for instantly assuming they were the one to steal my treasure, but I can't help it. I just have really bad experiences with black people. I only met two types in my whole life, it's the nice and sweet one or the bitchy-type. 

I've met the bitchy-type more often than the nice-n'-sweet one. ;v;

I met a fair amount of nice people also, like Alexis or Natasha. 

Hell, my best friend (who's my very VERY FIRST Bff) is black. (her name's Isreal, her birthday's July 14th, born in the same hospital with me, even the same room qwq).

So, take it from me! Never judge a book by it's cover. That's why you read the back! XD

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