Monday, October 1, 2012

Mirai Nikki

OTAY, so I mentioned it before that I've read, ketword: READ, the manga Mirai Nikki aka Future Diary. I'm pretty sure it's an anime, since I watched an episode.

I swear, Yuno Gasai is one hardcore yandere.

Times like these makes me wonder if there are real yandere people out there. I mean, I myself is a dandere, which is the type of girl that doesn't talk much and is all warm and bright to people they know they're not shy around. Yup.

Yandere: Cute on the outside, psychotic on the inside. Especially if they're in love.
Tsundere: Mean on the outside, cute on the in.
Dandere: Who's quiet on the outside, but spontaneously awesome on the in.

So. Yay. My japanese vocabulary is improving!

Oh, so now Carrot is  reading Mirai Nikki, and is freaking out every 2 seconds because he thought Yuno was a mind reader. He'll understand one day.

One day.


Alright. So Mirai Nikki is insane yet interesting and kinda... realistic (like as in, it could happen, but not really). Not sure about Higurashi. I'll check it out later.

And hopefully won't puke my guts out.

Oh, here's a picture for you:

---- Nikki Purima!

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