Monday, August 27, 2012

Another Fellow Artist

Alright, I must confess.

Someone is better at drawing than me.

I'm honestly surprised, mostly because she's superrr good, and mainly because I haven't met a fellow artist that's past my standards. But then, everyone in the world has their own technique with their own art. Even my friend. Her name is... urm... not sure if I can mention is, but I'll just call her Spade!

Spade goes to the same school as I and she's been here for since middle school. She likes to call herself a geek(which I thought it was because someone called her that, but I'm leaning on the fact that she likes to call herself a geek; like how I like to call myself a fujoshi. I don't need to tell everyone, even though I am, but I tell everyone anyways) and she often hangs out with the other... I guess I can call them geeks since they did call themselves 'the geeks'. I wonder about the nerds of this school.

There should be a difference between Nerds and Geeks, right? (Nerds as in nerds, not as in candy. Last time I checked, Nerds don't taste like purple-grape. But who knows? I haven't met one that claimed he/she's a nerd).

Moving on! Spade is really nice, she kinda reminds me of Diamond. Diamond is from the same school, too(which is... obvious...) and she's... charismatic. She's has this light airy-ness. Like whenever you watch a person sing, they shine(not from the lights lol). They're socialist. People who like to talk a lot, and can easily slip in a conversation with an introvert type of person(like me). Diamond said she's in the speech club, the band, and many other stuff I lost track in. It also seems she has a lot of friends. The minute I try to find her in the band room, a bunch of people would notice me and say, "Oh, hey, it's Diamond's friend, Prima." (I'm not revealing my name! >.<).

People actually notice me when I'm near Diamond. The nickname I gave her suits her. Diamond. Haha.

Spade, however, doesn't shine like Diamond. Spade is alot... video-game-oh-oh type. The kind that locks herself in a room playing video games and such at a late hour. She does have friends, and she's slightly charismatic, but she's still the geek she introduced me. She's also introverted when she meets new people, from what I observed. Diamond is an extrovert.

You can tell the mass difference between my newfound friends(which sadly can't hang out with me today because we're all in different classes.)

Oh, I also found a sanctuary spot. I'm pretty sure I mentioned it before, but the library is my home. I love the peace and quietness of this place, although sometimes those lowlife jocks would be messing about. Honestly, they kiss their mother with that tongue? Maybe I should stick some good ol' fashion soup in their mouths so they can stop cussing up a storm every time they have a problem with math.

Jocks + Math = A whole shitstorm of cuss words. (ironic, yes?)

Oh, let's not forget the cheerleaders. I admit, some of them are far from the stereotypical cheerleader girls we see in movies and on tv, but some of them really makes the stereotypes not too far from what they've been talking. So what if a teacher's wearing a plaid skirt? So what if that guy is wearing a pink shirt? SO. WHAT.

Why do we/other people care about what other people wear, it's none of our business and so is theres. Though, there are times the fashion police is needed for certain people, but that hardly happens. On friday, mom yelled at me to change my clothes JUST because I was wearing short pants (not too short; about... more than mid-thigh) and a light blue t-shirt. It's not like I have a big booger on it.

I wear whatever is comfortable with me. And so should you.

Well, my free period is about to be over and I need to finish the rest of my math homework (why is... 9 < y < 27...?)



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