Wednesday, August 22, 2012

MacBook Thingy

Alright, so I go to this new school, and it's been about a week since the first day of school. This school actually gives you laptops.

Free. Freaking. Laptops.


Although I am glad I'll be able to go on the internet without having to go to the lab and wait 20+ students to turn on their computer, but really?

I feel like I entered Ouran High School(look it up if you don't know; it's an anime/manga). And I feel such a commoner. I mean, that's kinda expected for a school this big(about the size of a normal mall), and that lunch cost a fortune. I'm poor. They're rich.

Make the connection.

*shakes head* Moving on. So here I am in my free class period typing this in the library of my oh-so famous school. On this MacBook thingy. I'm calling it Secondo. Which means, 'The Second'. It's my second laptop, so yeah. Sad part: I can't play games(mainly because it's restricted on the computer; reason because it has violence and pornography. WTF. I'M JUST GONNA PLAY PINBALL. *flips a table*). I can't go on Facebook(pornography again; can't blame them with the amount of girls wearing tank tops and showing their boobies to everyone). I can't go on Tumblr(again, pornography).

And all the colors of the rainbow.

Well, I'm glad I can go on my blog. No one ever reads or comments here, and I let my thoughts wonder. Ooop, class is about to start. Blog you later. Ciao.

--School-high Prima

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