Friday, October 4, 2013

Daydreaming and the Multi-Universe Theory

I was thinking, in Advance Algebra (we were talking about planes and coordinates with x, y, z.), about the Multi-Universe which Sean had kindly thought about with me.

We were talking about how I wish Tsuna was real and that I married that cute little shit, but he rebutted it saying that in another universe, I already am married to Tsuna.

That made me so, so, soooooo happy.

Which lead me to daydream about it happening. It would be beautiful, y'know? The wedding I had with Tsuna and stuff... ah, I'm blushing...

Anyway! While Ms. Algebra taught us about the 3 coordinates and stuff, I thought

What would happen if what we're daydreaming, is just a looking glass through other universes?

Like, when I was daydreaming about Tsuna marrying me, it could already be happening at the exact moment (or after it, like a memory) in a different universe, a different world!

And another me, from one of those universes, are daydreaming me typing this up. Someone, another me in a different Earth, is daydreaming about me having a normal life.

Probably more normal than theres...

It's amazing... just the thought that you can see other different universes through your mind; not to mention, it doesn't have many faults in it other than that it's just a theory and stuff.

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